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Sunday, 23 March 2014
Electronic Devices 7th Ed ( L. Floyd.pdf
Electronic Devices 7th Ed. ( L. Floyd.pdf
Description: This popular, up-to-date devices book takes a strong systems approach that identifies the circuits and components within a system, and helps readers see how the circuit relates to the overall system function. Floyd is well known for straightforward, understandable explanations of complex concepts, as well as for non-technical, on-target treatment of mathematics. The extensive use of examples, Multisim simulations, and graphical illustrations makes even complex concepts understandable.From discrete components, to linear integrated circuits, to programmable analog devices, this books¿ coverage is well balanced between discrete and integrated circuits. Also includes focus on power amplifiers; BJT and FET amplifiers; advanced integrated circuits–instrumentation and isolation amplifiers; OTAs; log/antilog amplifiers; and converters. Thorough coverage of optical topics–high intensity LEDs and fiber optics. Devices sections on differential amplifiers and the IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) are now included.
SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power 3rd Ed.( Harunur Rashid.pdf
SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power 3rd Ed.( Harunur Rashid.pdf
Description: Power electronics can be a difficult course for students to understand and for professors to teach. Simplifying the process for both, SPICE for Power Electronics and Electric Power, Third Edition illustrates methods of integrating industry standard SPICE software for design verification and as a theoretical laboratory bench. Helpful PSpice Software and Program Files Available for DownloadBased on the author Muhammad H. Rashid's considerable experience merging design content and SPICE into a power electronics course, this vastly improved and updated edition focuses on helping readers integrate the SPICE simulator with a minimum amount of time and effort. Giving users a better understanding of the operation of a power electronics circuit, the author explores the transient behavior of current and voltage waveforms for each and every circuit element at every stage. The book also includes examples of all types of power converters, as well as circuits with linear and nonlinear inductors. New in this edition:
- Student learning outcomes (SLOs) listed at the start of each chapter
- Changes to run on OrCAD version 9.2
- Added VPRINT1 and IPRINT1 commands and examples
- Notes that identify important concepts
- Mathematical relations for expected outcomes, where appropriate
- The Fourier series of the output voltages for rectifiers and inverters
- PSpice simulations of DC link inverters and AC voltage controllers with PWM control
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Power Electronics 3rd Ed.( H. Rashid.pdf
Power Electronics 3rd Ed.( H. Rashid.pdf
Description: Power electronics, which is a rapidly growing area in terms of research and applications, uses modern electronics technology to convert electric power from one form to another, such as ac-dc, dc-dc, dc-ac, and ac-ac with a variable output magnitude and frequency. It has many applications in our every day life such as air-conditioners, electric cars, sub-way trains, motor drives, renewable energy sources and power supplies for computers. This book covers all aspects of switching devices, converter circuit topologies, control techniques, analytical methods and some examples of their applications.
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Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Java Enterprise Applications( McLaughlin.pdf
Java Enterprise Applications( McLaughlin.pdf
Description: What are the key decisions and tradeoffs you face as you design and develop enterprise applications? How do you build the back end so that it not only handles your current needs but is flexible enough to allow your system to evolve as your needs expand? Answer these questions and many more with Building Java Enterprise Applications, an advanced guide to building complex Java Enterprise Applications from the ground up that addresses design issues along the way. These practical books take a step back from detailed examination of the APIs and focus on the entire picture, so you can put the pieces together and build something that works! This book explores the infrastructure issues so important to good application design. It isn't just a book about doing things with Entity Beans, JDBC and JMS and JNDI. It takes you step by step through building the back end, designing the data store so that it gives you convenient access to the data your application needs; designing a directory; figuring out how to handle security and where to store security credentials you need; and so on. On top of this, it shows -- as easily as possible --how to build the entity bean layer that makes information available to the rest of the application. Throughout this guide, author Brett McLaughlin uses his wealth of real-world experience with enterprise development to show you one step at a time how to design and build a comprehensive enterprise application from the ground up, starting with the back end.
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Introduction to computer graphics( Klawonn.pdf
Introduction to computer graphics( Klawonn.pdf
Description: Computer graphics comprises the creation and representation of simple graphical elements and images as well as modern techniques for virtual reality. In order to apply computer graphics techniques correctly, a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts is required. This book provides an introduction to the most important basic concepts coupling the technical background and theory immediately with practical examples and applications. The reader can follow up the theory and then literally see the theory at work in numerous example programs. With only elementary knowledge of the programming language Java, the reader will be able to create his or her own images and animations immediately using Java 2D and Java 3D. Written for second year undergraduate and above students, this book will be an essential tool for those studying computer science and computer engineering. A website for this book includes programs with source code, exercises with solutions and slides as teaching material.
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How to Code .NET( Gross.pdf
How to Code .NET( Gross.pdf
Description: What is good code? Writing good code is really a question about what the code is trying to solve. (And good code is not to be confused with patterns because not all pieces of good code are patterns.) We debate about good code because there is not just a single piece of good code, but so many good pieces of code. And each good piece of code depends on the context in which it is used. How to Code .NET: Tips and Tricks for Coding .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 Applications Effectively provides solutions to certain problems. That is, specific problems. This book provides detailed, authoritative explanations of good .NET coding techniques. It’s based on award-winning material that author Christian Gross has previously presented at conferences throughout the U.S. and Europe. What’s more, the author is at the forefront of the .NET technology wave and an acknowledged expert on the subject of .NET coding style and techniques. Table of Contents
Testing Your Code
.NET Runtime- and Framework-Related Solutions
Text-Related Solutions
C# Coding Solutions.
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Sunday, 16 March 2014
Advanced Ajax( M. Lauriat.pdf
Advanced Ajax( M. Lauriat.pdf
Description: “I very much enjoyed how this book covers the full Ajax application lifecycle and not only coding techniques. Anyone who is looking to become a professional front-end developer will appreciate the architectural insight and best practices delivered by this book.” — Andi Gutmans, Co-Founder & Co-Chief Technology Officer of Zend Technologies Mission-Critical Ajax: Maximizing Scalability, Performance, Security, Reliability, and Maintainability Advanced Ajax: Architecture and Best Practices is the definitive guide to building business-critical, production-quality Web applications with Ajax. Shawn M. Lauriat systematically addresses the design, architecture, and development issues associated with Ajax, offering proven patterns and robust code examples available in no other book. You'll find best practices for addressing the full spectrum of issues enterprise Ajax developers face: scalability, performance, security, reliability, flexibility, maintainability, and reusability. Writing for experienced Web developers, Lauriat delivers fresh ideas and elegant solutions: meaty technical content, presented with exceptional clarity. Among the many topics he covers in unprecedented depth: cleanly implementing JavaScript custom events to reduce coupling and to enhance flexibility; overcoming Ajax's traditional accessibility limitations; reducing network latency through compression and other techniques; and much more. Coverage includes
- Planning Ajax interfaces for simplicity, clarity, and intuitiveness
- Creating scalable, maintainable architectures for client-side JavaScript
- Using the latest tools to profile, validate, and debug client-side code
- Architecting the server side for security and functionality, while restricting loaded data, objects, and actions to current requests
- Protecting against the most widespread and significant Ajax security risks
- Optimizing every component of an Ajax application, from server-side scripts to database interactions
- Introducing cutting-edge Ajax: game development, Ajax with canvas, and Ajax for enterprise applications.
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Advanced Visual Basic 6( J. Curland.pdf
Advanced Visual Basic 6( J. Curland.pdf
Description: Works in this series are designed to be the practical and informative sources developers need on the methods and tools for applying object-oriented technologies to real-world, large-scale applications.We will be starting with the four books following in the catalogue, and publishing more in the near future. We will be supporting the books with space advertising, author appearances at major conferences, co-marketing with DevelopMentor, and a major publicity push.-- VB from a COM data type approach: building more robust object-based systems.-- Partitioning, maximizing reuse, reducing memory requirements, creating lightweight objects, and more.-- By two of the world's top VB developers -- including Matt Curland, a long-time member of Microsoft's VB development team!In Advanced Visual Basic 6, two of the world's leading VB experts take experienced developers under the hood with VB, introducing powerful techniques for writing high-performance, reusable code that leverages the close relationships between VB, COM, and OLE Automation. This book presents advanced VB programming from a COM data type approach, helping developers build more robust, effective code -- and overcome obstacles that appear as they push the envelope with VB. Developers learn how VB describes arrays, and how to duplicate that definition manually to perform simple type casting, and gain unprecedented control over how their programs use memory. The authors introduce best practices for interface-based design using normal VB class modules; show how to partition code for optimal reuse; and more. Next, they present advanced techniques for creating COM lightweight objects; and alternate memory managementtechniques that allow the creation of complex systems with many objects and minimal overhead. The book also covers threading, type libraries, component versioning, and more. The accompanying CD-ROM contains extensive source code, plus powerful utilities for advanced VB development.
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Microsoft Sql Server 2000 Reporting Services Step By Step( Misner.pdf
Microsoft Sql Server 2000 Reporting Services Step By Step( Misner.pdf
Description: Teach yourself how to use the components, capabilities, and programming model in SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services—one step at a time. This practical, hands-on tutorial expertly guides you through each stage of the reporting life cycle, including authoring, managing, and delivering reports. Work at your own pace through the easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on exercises to master essential tasks and techniques. And accelerate your productivity by working with instructive code examples and best practices for SQL Server Reporting Services.Discover how to:
- Install and configure Reporting Services
- Use Report Designer to structure and format table reports
- Connect to data sources and datasets
- Use expressions to perform calculations and change properties
- Apply advanced techniques—from matrix, chart, and data regions to parameters
- Manage content on the Report Server, including implementing security features
- Monitor Report Server activity and tune for performance
- Access and view reports, rendered in customized formats
- Write and reuse custom code to author and manage reports
- Build your own reporting tools
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Sams teach yourself data structures and algorithms in 24 hours( Lafore.pdf
Saturday, 15 March 2014
XPath and XPointer( Simpson.pdf
XPath and XPointer( Simpson.pdf
Description: Referring to specific information inside an XML document is a little like finding a needle in a haystack: how do you differentiate the information you need from everything else? XPath and XPointer are two closely related languages that play a key role in XML processing by allowing developers to find these needles and manipulate embedded information. XPath describes a route for finding specific items by defining a path through the hierarchy of an XML document, abstracting only the information that's relevant for identifying the data. XPointer extends XPath to identify more complex parts of documents. The two technologies are critical for developers seeking needles in haystacks in various types of processing.XPath and XPointer fills an essential need for XML developers by focusing directly on a critical topic that has been covered only briefly. Written by John Simpson, an author with considerable XML experience, the book offers practical knowledge of the two languages that underpin XML, XSLT and XLink. XPath and XPointer cuts through basic theory and provides real-world examples that you can use right away.Written for XML and XSLT developers and anyone else who needs to address information in XML documents, the book assumes a working knowledge of XML and XSLT. It begins with an introduction to XPath basics. You'll learn about location steps and paths, XPath functions and numeric operators. Once you've covered XPath in depth, you'll move on to XPointer--its background, syntax, and forms of addressing. By the time you've finished the book, you'll know how to construct a full XPointer (one that uses an XPath location path to address document content) and completely understand both the XPath and XPointer features it uses.XPath and XPointer contains material on the forthcoming XPath 2.0 spec and EXSLT extensions, as well as versions 1.0 of both XPath and XPointer. A succinct but thorough hands-on guide, no other book on the market provides comprehensive information on these two key XML technologies in one place.
Practical C Programming( Oualline.pdf
Practical C Programming( Oualline.pdf
Description: There are lots of introductory C books, but this is the first one that has the no-nonsense, practical approach that has made Nutshell Handbooks® famous. C programming is more than just getting the syntax right. Style and debugging also play a tremendous part in creating programs that run well and are easy to maintain. This book teaches you not only the mechanics of programming, but also describes how to create programs that are easy to read, debug, and update. Practical rules are stressed. For example, there are fifteen precedence rules in C . The practical programmer reduces these to two
Multiplication and division come before addition and subtraction.
Contrary to popular belief, most programmers do not spend most of their time creating code. Most of their time is spent modifying someone else's code. This books shows you how to avoid the all-too-common obfuscated uses of C (and also to recognize these uses when you encounter them in existing programs) and thereby to leave code that the programmer responsible for maintenance does not have to struggle with. Electronic Archaeology, the art of going through someone else's code, is described. This third edition introduces popular Integrated Development Environments on Windows systems, as well as UNIX programming utilities, and features a large statistics-generating program to pull together the concepts and features in the language.
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Hibernate in action( Bauer.pdf
Hibernate in action( Bauer.pdf
Description:Hibernate practically exploded on the Java scene. Why is this open-source tool so popular? Because it automates a tedious task: persisting your Java objects to a relational database. The inevitable mismatch between your object-oriented code and the relational database requires you to write code that maps one to the other. This code is often complex, tedious and costly to develop. Hibernate does the mapping for you. Not only that, Hibernate makes it easy. Positioned as a layer between your application and your database, Hibernate takes care of loading and saving of objects. Hibernate applications are cheaper, more portable, and more resilient to change. And they perform better than anything you are likely to develop yourself. Hibernate in Action carefully explains the concepts you need, then gets you going. It builds on a single example to show you how to use Hibernate in practice, how to deal with concurrency and transactions, how to efficiently retrieve objects and use caching. The authors created Hibernate and they field questions from the Hibernate community every day-they know how to make Hibernate sing. Knowledge and insight seep out of every pore of this book. What's Inside - ORM concepts - Getting started - Many real-world tasks - The Hibernate application development process.
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Net E-business Architecture( Amar.pdf
Net E-business Architecture( Amar.pdf
Description: This book is written for architects and developers preparing to design and build enterprise-scale e-business applications using Microsoft's Visual Studio.NET and .NET Framework. It will guide technical architects and software developers through the design and development of a fully-featured e-commerce application, the gasTIX online ticketing system, using the .NET suite of technologies. Along the way, key concepts behind new .NET products such as C#, Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++ .NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and Web Services are explained. The author team, consisting of several talented G.A. Sullivan consultants, has combined experience equaling tens of years in the trenches with the various releases of Microsoft Visual Studio.
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C++ No Experience Required( Bianchi Franca.pdf
C++ No Experience Required( Bianchi Franca.pdf
Description: C++: No experience required is a vital resource for anyone who wants to develop Windows applications using the world's most powerful object-oriented programming language. Gain a solid foundation in C++ and begin developing professional applications today. This book helps you gain practical programming knowledge skill by skill. Build commercial applications for Windows. As you master C++, you'll learn to build highly functional, user-friendly applications that meet the needs of both end users and businesses. Clear, concise instructions and real-world examples teach you the principles and techniques for coding many key components of Windows software.
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Wednesday, 12 March 2014
XML Problem-Design-Solution( Amiano.pdf
XML Problem-Design-Solution( Amiano.pdf
- Offering a unique approach to learning XML, this book walks readers through the process of building a complete, functional, end-to-end XML solution
- Featured case study is an online business product catalog that includes reports, data input/output, workflow, stylesheet formatting, RSS feeds, and integration with external services like Google, eBay, and Amazon
- The format of presenting a problem and working through the design to come up with a solution enables readers to understand how XML markup allows a business to share data across applications internally or with partners or customers even though they might not use the same applications.
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The C-Sharp Programming Language( Hejlberg.pdf
The C-Sharp Programming Language( Hejlberg.pdf
Description: Publisher's description: C# is a simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language that combines the high productivity of rapid application development languages with the raw power of C and C++. Written by the language's architect and design team members, The C# Programming Language is the definitive technical reference for C#. Moving beyond the online documentation, the book provides the complete specification of the language along with descriptions, reference materials, and code samples from the C# design team. The first part of the book opens with an introduction to the language to bring readers quickly up to speed on the concepts of C#. Next follows a detailed and complete technical specification of the C# 1.0 language, as delivered in Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003. Topics covered include Lexical Structure, Types, Variables, Conversions, Expressions, Statements, Namespaces, Exceptions, Attributes, and Unsafe Code. The second part of the book provides an introduction to and technical specification of the four major new features of C# 2.0: Generics, Anonymous Methods, Iterators, and Partial Types. Reference tabs and an exhaustive print index allow readers to easily navigate the text and quickly find the topics that interest them most. An enhanced online index allows readers to quickly and easily search the entire text for specific topics. With the recent acceptance of C# as a standard by both the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ECMA, understanding the C# specification has become critical. The C# Programming Language is the definitive reference for programmers who want to acquire an in-depth knowledge of C#.
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Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Sams teach yourself J2EE in 21 days( Bond.pdf
Sams teach yourself J2EE in 21 days( Bond.pdf
Description: J2EE has become required knowledge for any serious Java developer, but learning this large and complex specification requires a substantial investment of time and energy. Sams Teach Yourself J2EE in 21 Days presents the enterprise Java architecture in accessible, easy-to-comprehend lessons, describing how each J2EE tool solves the challenges of n-Tier development. Using the architecture as a roadmap, following chapters describe Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, and more, giving readers a full understanding of J2EE development.Further chapters cover the role of XML, custom JSP tags, and how Java Connectors allow J2EE applications to interact with legacy and non-Java systems. The book finishes with sample applications that put all the pieces together, including an example using J2EE to create Web Services. Along the way, every concept is illustrated with practical, real-world examples to ensure understanding by Java students as well as experts.
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You Can Program in C++( Glassborow.pdf
You Can Program in C++( Glassborow.pdf
Description: An interactive and fun way to learn C++, one of the most popular high-level programming languages for graphic applications
- This unique, hands-on approach to learning C++ makes the experience fun and interesting by offering the opportunity for readers to get started on real coding
- Features numerous examples and project ideas as well as GUI and audio extensions so readers can get instant feedback - in addition to instant gratification from producing a program that works
- Written by one of the world's leading authorities on C and C++, the book includes invaluable reference sections at the end of each chapter
- Discusses modern C++ idioms, which are often neglected in other publications.
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Monday, 10 March 2014
Php Game Programming( Rutledge.pdf
Php Game Programming( Rutledge.pdf
Description: PHP Game Programming offers you the introduction you need to begin creating your own online games. Youll be amazed at the games you can create with this powerfuland completely freedevelopment tool! Dive right in as you begin with coverage of server configuration and the major features of PHP. Then youre off and running as you use PHP to create and manipulate graphics, develop a chess game using a non-relational database, and send and receive data through sockets. Put your new skills to use as you create your own massively multiplayer online game! From the basics of PHP and HTML to the exciting task of creating dynamic terrain and Flash movies, PHP Game Programming will help you turn your online game ideas into reality.
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Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C#( Hasan.pdf
Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C#( Hasan.pdf
Description: Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C# 2005, Second Edition will immerse you in updated code and reference material specifically architected for Visual Studio 2005 and Web Services Enhancements (WSE) 3.0. With this book, you can get a head start on building SOA applications using the clear, conceptual discussions and practical examples provided by SOA experts Jeffrey Hasan and Mauricio Duran. The authors give fair treatment to difficult material without just glossing over it. Most .NET-based web services are simply containers for limited RPC-style methods. This book will show you how to shift your development paradigm to create web services that process sophisticated XML messages within a secure, service-oriented, loosely coupled architecture. You’ll gain deep insight into the newest release of the WSE toolkit, as this book blends theory with ample C# code samples and teaches you how to implement SOA solutions based on specifications like revised WS-Security, WS-Policy, and WS-Addressing. You’ll want a copy of this second edition because:
Introducing Service-Oriented Architecture
The Web Services Description Language
Design Patterns for Building Message-Oriented Web Services
Design Patterns for Building Service-Oriented Web Services
Web Services Enhancements 3.0
Secure Web Services with WS-Security
Extended Web Services Security with WS-Security and WS-Secure Conversation
SOAP Messages: Addressing, Messaging, and Routing
Beyond WSE 3.0: Looking Ahead to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF).
- The spirit of the second edition follows that of the successful first edition, providing clear, conceptual discussions and practical material, with unambiguous samples.
- Approximately 60% of the book has been updated, including rearchitected code and updated visual materials using Visual Studio 2005.
- The second edition is more focused on implementation by policyrather than codeas a more efficient means for implementing solutions.
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